Spinster Shopping: Some Curvy Cuteness

plus-size-fashion-illustration, plus-sized-model-illustration, plus-size-croqui
Well, hello. Today's post has been requested many times, but not until I started using Boxagon did I think it was going to be a feasible entry. Making shopping posts about actual clothing can be difficult because more often than not, the actual clothes are shown on the model, and that's hard to cut out and place nicely without it looking like awkward paper dolls. And if we're going to do paper dolls, then they should be nice and neat. Now I feel like I should have made paper dolls for this post. Sigh. Another time.

In the past few years we've seen some really excellent plus sized ladies come to the forefront. Most notable in my mind are the likes of Adele, Queen Latifah, Christina Hendricks, Rebel Wilson, Melissa McCarthy, and Oprah, for crying out loud. These ladies manage to really get things done in the fashion department and also in the beauty, hair, and jewelry departments to boot. Adele's eye liner? If only I could achieve that in my own mirror.  All this is to say, I think we all know you don't need to be a twig to be looking pretty excellent. (And pretty and excellent.)

Now clearly I'm not the only one with fashionable picks for the luscious ladies. Marie Claire has their own column now, called "Big Girl in a Skinny World," and the blog GarnerStyle has a tagline that calls it "The Curvy Girl Guide." The Curvy Fashionista has also complied a pretty extensive list of plus sized fashion bloggers for your convenience!

My contribution to this listing, though, will be much smaller. I just did a little online shopping and found some dresses I thought were really nice for summer. Some of my pics are just great basics you could wear anywhere, but some are pretty feisty and will make all your friends (and/or coworkers) super jealous. So...check out my Boxagon by clicking on it below!

Curvy Cuties by Sarah Jones on Boxagon.

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