Atlanta Spinstering: The Beehive

On one of my first days at my job here in Atlanta, I noticed that the head of the Art department was wearing a really cool necklace. When I asked about it, she said she'd gotten it at a place called The Beehive and that I should really check it out. Well, it took me nearly ten months, but I got there, and I'm so glad I went.

I'd been to the shopping center where The Beehive is located quite a few times, and I never actually even saw it was there. The center is a rather large one with a Bed Bath and Beyone, Target, Lowes, Kroger, Barnes and Nobles, and a bunch of other things, but somehow I'd never seen this particular store.

The best way I can think of to describe The Beehive is to say it's something like a live collective of etsy shops. There are little sections (not quite booths) for each seller, and the products range from children's wear to pottery to jewelry to jams. According to the man I spoke to, the artists and crafts people are 98% local, so that's really cool. I love to see local artists and crafters being supported.

Now, I know you're wondering if the stuff in there is actually any good. We've all seen those stores with a collection of artists' goods that somehow end up being more of those weird crochet-skirted dolls than anything else. This place, however, has some really nice things. You'll see pictured on the left a fun dress which unfortunately was not my size. And they also had a bunch of little girls' dresses which were definitely not my size. There were some really cute men's ties and bow ties, a bunch of cute jewelry, some letterpress paper goods, and some ceramics.

When I went around to try on that dress (I am ashamed to say it was much too tight in the hips and somehow gaping at the bust...because of my body, and not the designer's specs...ah, the chunk, switch), I saw there was a little area with bins of craft materials, some sewing machines, and the link. And after a little discussion, I discovered they also have classes at The Beehive! Not only this, but they also do birthday parties for both kids and adults. And somebody's got a birthday coming up. I'm just saying.

So, anyway, you can see my little thumbnail photos a little better if you click on the image and open it in a new tab. However, the website has a bunch more cool stuff, so click the link.

If you live in the Atlanta area and haven't been to The Beehive, I suggest you head on over and check it out. It's  a pretty fun place. And they didn't even get mad at me for taking photos!

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