Atlanta Spinstering: Makeup Counters

There are a great many things I miss about New York, one of which is not the lack of apartments with central air conditioning. When I lived in New York, though, one of my very favorite things to do was casually walking through any department store's makeup department and accepting offers to have "a little touchup." Here in Atlanta, though, that is not a thing.

On any given Saturday in New York, I could wander into Henri Bendel and have more than one makeup artist offer to show me their wares by applying them to my face. Bendel's was the best place to do this, but a walk through Lord and Taylor, Macy's, or Bloomingdales would often produce the same result. I suspect this was their way to sell more product - both by advertising to passers by and also by direct contact with me, a potential client. And, well, it always worked on me. It takes little to nothing to convince me to buy a new lipstick or eyeshadow or what have you. I relish a good makeover, and I am willing to pay.

When I first moved here, I tried walking through several of the department store makeup  sections to no avail. Now, I work next door to Phipps Plaza, the fancy mall with the Nordstrom and Saks, and I routinely make visits to their cosmetics departments on my lunch break or after work. At first I thought it was just a bad hair day or that I was going at the wrong time of day, but I feel like I've gone at enough different times and in different states of dishevlement that I have a decent sample size to draw a conclusion. And my conclusion is this: Makeup salespeople in Atlanta do not care. Not only will they not offer to do your makeup, but they will wait until you ask for help before they acknowledge your presence.

You guys, this is sad. I really miss my ASMR makeup time. Am I to only get it from youtube? I know, I could make an appointment to have my makeup, I guess, but that sort of defeats the spontaneous point. I want to walk in and be beckoned. I want to be sold something. I don't want to go in there already knowing what I want. Sell it to me.

Anyway, I think I need to stop now. BUT if you are an Atlanta makeup artist, and you are reading this, please make the makeup departments of Atlanta more fun. Otherwise I suppose we'll all have to start watching more YouTube. 

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