
Showing posts from March, 2016

Spinster Gripe: Lois Reitzes

Spinsterwear: Donut Tank

Spinster Screening: Queen

Happy Easter!

Friday Thoughts: I love Cheerios

Thursday Fun: Political Gifs

Just for fun: Your Mom

#WIP Gif!

Spinster Thoughts: Why My Pants Fall Down

Sunday Sketch: The Internet Rabbit Hole

Spinster Food: Doughnuts

Spinster Thoughts: Running to Eat

Color Inspiration: Pastels

Spinster Food: Sausage and Apple Pie

Spinstergram: Fanch Ledan

#WIP and Tiny Food

Spinstergram: Scott Antique Market

A Tuesday Doodle

A Drawing of Phoebe

A Drawing of Anna

A Drawing of Chelsea

sPINster: Some pins from pinterest

Uniform: Miranda Tee

#WIP: Finished Set!