Monday Fun: Taylor Swift Photoshoppery

It's Monday, and I stayed up way past a spinster's bedtime last night watching Downton Abbey, and I bet you did, too. In case you haven't seen it, though, I won't say anything about what went on. Instead, I thought I'd just lighten the Monday mood with a little photoshoppery.

Taylor Swift kept coming up in conversation this weekend, so she seemed the perfect candidate for photoshopping. The sad part is that she doesn't really even look bad in the top image. She's just so pretty in the first place. A questionable haircut can't even hide that.

This next image is a little less attractive. The photoshopping is a little less seamless, but it does make me feel a little better about my growing double chin. Unfortunately a very much remember this entire look from when it was in style in the late 90s/early 2000s. Gross.

So, I hope in looking at these two images of one of the loveliest ladies in music, you feel a little better about yourself this Monday. You look good, girl. You do.

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