Spinster Doodles: A Coloring Page

I don't know if you guys have heard of Doodlers Anonymous or their coloring book, but today's illustration is sort of inspired by them. The other day I printed too many copies of a line sheet, and I decided to have a little doodle on the back of one of the pages. Well, it just kept going, and before I knew it, the whole page was covered. It all started with the "happy birthday" card doodle, and it just kept going from there.

Instead of throwing away my doodle page, I thought I'd share it with you! If you click on the image and open it in a new tab, you can print it out as an 8.5x11, and there you have it! a coloring page!

I hope your Thursday is brilliant. If it isn't maybe you just need to spend a little time with your crayons, markers, colored pencils, colored pens, or even highlighters. I have heard that coloring helps with anxiety.

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