Atlanta Spinstering: The Beltline Lantern Parade

Today is my first Atlantaversary! Hooray! Today's post should be a thoughtful reflection on the past year in Georgia, but that will have to wait. It has to wait because last night I went to the Atlanta Beltline Lantern Parade, and it was incredible. Yes, yes, its as hot and sticky. It wouldn't be Atlanta if it wasn't hot, but it was also excellent.

My friend Sara told me about the lantern parade a couple of months ago, and I forgot until this week when she reminded me. So, today, after I had eaten my first Banh Mi at Quoc Huong (yes, I was inspired by yesterday's episode of The Splendid Table), I Sara and I met at Michael's to stock up on supplies. After a bit of crafting, we were ready to embark upon our journey. You can see my lantern on the far left of the picture above. It was just sort of glittered with a tassel at the bottom. However, the cat lantern was so good, I had to have my picture taken with it.

People really got into the home made lantern-making. There were several gigantic human-shaped lanterns, and I also saw a rather large horse, some jellyfish, a woman in an illuminated hoop skirt, and so many other incredibly creative sources of light.

When it was all over, all I wanted to do was take a shower and go to bed because I'm an old spinster, but I'm really glad I went. It was so much fun. Next year, though, I am going to make a crazier lantern. It may or may not be spinster-themed.

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