Surprise Portrait: Ryan Guerin

Today's surprise portrait is of Glipho staffer Ryan Guerin. I first discovered Ryan's blog when he wrote about Charleston, SC (click here for the post). At the time, though, I had no idea he was a Glipho Staffer. He is, in fact, the only staffer who lives stateside. Bonus? He seems to live in the south. Hooray! I, of course, haven't ever met Mr. Guerin, but I'm hoping this is a fairly ok likeness of him taken from his Glipho profile photo.

In the photoshop journey, I liked doing this one because it had a lot o implied dimension with the striped shirt and the pattern on the bow tie. In true spinster fashion, I did this drawing last night while eating the little tiny broken pieces of tortilla chips at the bottom of the bag in front of a couple episodes of Law and Order from the early '90s. Perfect friday night, in my opinion.

Be on the lookout for more surprise portraits to come! I hope you enjoy your saturday. I, for one, will be spinstering in suburban style at the Queens Center Mall where I will be getting replacements for my moccasins which have spring a leak. More on this later (you hope.)

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