Spinsters I Know and Love: Chelsea Purcella

Today we're revisiting our series of lovely single ladies I like to call, "Spinsters I Know and Love." Our featured Spinster, Chelsea Purcella, is clearly not at all a spinster, but she is indeed a single lady. She is in possession of quite a few adorable cat- or kitten-themed items of clothing and/or accessories as well as a delightfully constant photostream on instagram. You can follow her: @chelseapurcella. Don't worry, I got permission!

And, while we're sharing information about Chelsea, check out her super cute website: http://www.chelseapurcella.com/ . I'm not going to lie. I'd never seen one like this. It's like a choose your own adventure! Just click on the form of social media or interface you'd like, and you can check it on out.

I could say a lot more abut Chelsea, like how I've seen her portfolio, and it's awesome, but I'm going to let her witty replies to the spinster survey entertain you instead. Enjoy!

Name: Chelsea Noelle Purcella

Age: 23

Profession: Fashion Designer by day, Curator of Cute by night

Dream Job: To open a shop where I sell cute clothing and accessories (designed by myself and others), cute vintage and thrifted home furnishings AND delicious baked goods. Basically I just want to work somewhere that I can be surrounded by pretty things and control all aspects of my career- and I mean that in the least control-freaky way possible. It's really more from a creative standpoint.

What you love to do when you have an afternoon/day/weekend at home alone: I normally just like to walk around naked, paint my nails, maybe take a bath and then sing Lana Del Rey, Taylor Swift and/or Marina and the Diamonds at the top of my lungs until I need to be somewhere.

Favorite Breakfast food: Eggs Benedict but really I just love all breakfast foods with a little effort involved i.e. not cereal.

Favorite Takeout: Does Chipotle count?

Favorite treat (food or otherwise): CUPCAKES.

Favorite Beauty product or what's in your beauty bag: Goe Oil, Mac lipstick in Impassioned, Erase Paste by Benefit, some bronzer by Rimmel, Lash Potion by Revlon and a Stella by Stella McCartney roller fragrance thing.

Favorite nail polish or nail polish color: In the Winter it's Russian Navy by OPI but in the Summer I'm a fan of anything obnoxious and bright.

Favorite Art supplies: Skinny felt tip pens and watercolor pencils.

The thing you love to do that you probably wouldn't do if there was a boy in the picture/around your apartment: I like to talk to myself but I pretend like I'm talking to other people- like I'll have a fake conversation with someone in a what-would-I-do-if-I-saw-them kind of way...

Something enjoyable about being single: Not feeling any pressure and not being worried about how someone I feel strongly about feels about me. I've been single most of my dating age years but found that the year I was in love with someone at the same time they were in love with me (I feel an important distinction to make here) was both the most amazing and stressful time in my life- but I also think that's just a large part of being in your twenties, haha.

If you had a one-sentence spinster philosophy, what would it be? "Let's just have some serious fun." You may infer whatever you like.

What's your loungewear style? I honestly prefer being naked than being in ANY KIND of loungewear. But when forced to because of cold weather, I have a trusty PINK boyfriend hoodie I've had for like 7 years that I throw on. And because it's over-sized I'm still not forced to wear pants!

What's your uniform? Hair down (in an ideal world where the humidity isn't 110% in the Summer), earrings ALWAYS, some kind of girly tank with a collar, an ankle length pant and flats.

Complete this sentence: People think that entities outside of our dimension don't exist, but really how could they not? I know, this just got real deep. But most people are skeptics about almost everything until they see or feel it themselves and that's a lot of close-mindedness that we're prone to- something of a genetic predisposition to cope with the changing world I suppose. WORD.

Coffee or tea? (and what's your favorite of the one you like) Coffee! My favorite of all time is from Joe Coffee- their espresso blend to be precise. It's the smoothest most delicious coffee I've ever had. I feel sort of strange about it since I spent half of my childhood in Seattle and Joe Coffee is based out of Philly and NYC- oh well.

Your go-to desk snack: Candy or cupcakes or whatever kind of fruit is about to go bad at my house.

I have seen every episode of...: THE GOLDEN GIRLS.

Your favorite spinster jams: Lana Del Rey, No Doubt, Marina and the Diamonds, Taylor Swift, Bey, Cut Copy, Phoenix, Daft Punk, Lily Allen- pretty much anything I can sing and/or dance to.

Currently in your Netflix and/or Hulu queue: Downton Abbey, Arrested Development, New Girl, The Mindy Project, Girls, and SO MANY OTHERS. I'm a big fan of silly TV and an even bigger fan of background noise in the form of silly TV.

The question on everyone's mind: Kittens or Puppies, and why? I like how kittens look in terms of kitsch but I would way rather hang out with a puppy.

In another life, I would be... Beyonce 2.0. But I would still look like me and have all my traits- I'm really just more interested in having her power and universal admiration. Again, I mean this in a really innocent kind of way.

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