Surprise Portrait: Roger Planes

A little while ago, I was going about my Spinsterhood Diaries business, posting, drawing, tweeting, when someone from the Glipho team contacted me on twitter to see if I'd like to try out their new social blogging site. After a little bit of thinking, I decided I should definitely try it out.

Fast forward a few months, and my Glipho account (you can find it here) is going strong, and I love Glipho's platform. They do a great job of promoting their bloggers while fostering community and readership. I have to say, it really does feel like a community. Everyone there is really supportive and complimentary, especially of my illustrations. 

The Glipho team had mentioned to me that they would love to become illustrations themselves, so today Glipho's founder, Roger Planes, gets a surprise portrait! I will admit that I've never seen Roger in person as he lives in the UK, so this is solely off a fairly low-res photo, but I kind of like it. I've been trying to teach myself to draw in photoshop, so this is yet another part of my experimentation. I hope you all enjoy! And don't forget to check out Glipho!

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