Spinster Friday Jams

In efforts to combat what my cousin Katie refers to as "the chunk sitch," I have started running again. Sitting at my desk this week, I realized I needed more serotonin than I was getting from all the chocolate and carbs, so of course, this is a double benefit for me. The more I run, the more serotonin is released, and the more stays in my system. So...I mean, who doesn't want to be happier?

The thing is, though, I decided to go running last night, and it was so hot that I was sure my skin would be charred when I returned to my apartment for a shower. Oddly my skin was unscathed when I returned, but perhaps I can attribute that to the thick air that made it seem like I was running through a swimming pool.

What does this have to do with the Spinster Friday Jams playlist? Well, not much, actually. The only connection I can think of is this: In order to avoid thinking about the chunk sitch that manifests itself in the incredibly unattractive feeling wearing your workout clothes from when you were actually in shape brings, I have become reacquainted with my itunes library. As such, I thought I'd share a delightful little playlist with you on this Friday morning. I, for one, think it could make an excellent soundtrack to whatever work you have to do today! Some of the songs are spinster-related or woman songs, but others are just songs I like.

So, click to check out the Spinster Friday Jams playlist. Now, if you want to be surprised by the playlist and what songs it holds, then don't read any further after this sentence. Just click the link and Enjoy

For those of you who do want a list, here goes:

1. "Philosophy" - Ben Folds Five
2. "Lovefool" - The Cardigans
3. "Laura Palmer's Prom" - You Say Party! We say Die!
4. "Merry Happy" - Kate Nash
5. "Brass in Pocket" - The Pretenders
6. "The Underdog" - Spoon
7. "Bootylicious" - Destiny's Child
8. "Digital Love" - Daft Punk
9. "Lip Gloss" - Lil' Mama
10. "Forever" - Chris Brown
11. "Jumpin Jumpin" - Destiny's Child
12. "Tonight's Gonna be a Good Night" - Black Eyed Peas
13. "22" - Taylor Swift
14. "Sleepyhead" - Passion Pit
15. "Good Time" - Carly Rae Jepsen

I hope you guys enjoy it! TGIF!

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