Surprise! The Spinsterhood Diaries is now on Tumblr

Well, Spinsters, you made it through the wilderness. Today is not a photoshoppery of a celebrity. However, I did make this gif in photoshop. Today, we're going to talk about yet another way you can stalk me and all the creations of my fiendish little mind.

For a little while now, my friend Phoebe has been telling me I should make a Tumblr for my images and gifs. Well, this week, I actually made one! To view the Tumblr, I think you actually have to have a Tumblr account, but if you do have one, you can find The Spinsterhood Diaries by visiting Right now I've only got, like, four followers, so I welcome you to come check it out!

The Spinsterhood Diaries on Tumblr will be a bit different than it is here. Mainly, it'll be images and gifs with very little text. Also, the occasional sharing of other people's work. If that sounds like something you want to see, then head on over!

Now, I've been watching this gif for at least 15 minutes now, and I have to tell you that I'm very sorry if it's brought on a seizure for you. It's kind of giving me a headache.

Happy Thursday to you!

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