My Imaginary Boyfriend: Flula Borg

flula-borg, drawing-of-Flula-Borg, Flula-Borg-Face, Flula-Borg-Pitch-Perfect-2, Jennifer-Is-A-Party-Pooper

First, I'd like to say, 'Hooray for Saturday!' Now that we've gotten that out of the way, I'd like to introduce some silliness into your Saturday Morning. Above you'll see a not-very-faithful rendering of one Flula Borg, who we discussed a week or so ago because he was in Pitch Perfect 2. Since then, though, I've subscribed to his YouTube channel and watched what I should describe as 'too many' of his videos. So, now we're my mind.

I showed you "Jennifer Is A Party Pooper," and if you were on The Spinsterhood Diaries Facebook page yesterday, you saw that I posted his thoughts on the word "BAE." But, I've since discovered that Flula also makes bizarre music videos. Below I'm going to embed two of them so you can enjoy them and all their weirdness. 

If that one was too mainstream of you, then perhaps this one about a Badger will be up your alley.

Now, enjoy Flula with a dog.

He also does some pretty amazing techno mashups with the casts of movies during their promo tours. I'm adding this one just because I love that Susan Sarandon is in it.

Ok, well, now that I've introduced you to my new imaginary boyfriend, I think you've got a lot of videos to watch today. If you find that you have watched all of Flula's videos, fear not! He also does a lot of collaborations with other YouTubers, and most of them are excellent as well.


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