Six Girls-a-lazing

On the sixth day of Christmas, the Spinster gave to me....six girls a lazing, fiiiiive chicken wings, four famous nerds, three french men, two chubby pugs, and a puppy playing with feet!

This is probably one of the most spinster-appropriate gifs in this whole series. It includes sofas, beds, sweatshirts, sweatpants, bathrobes, and loungewear in general. Then, of course, you have the fact that it's all about lounging and watching TV. Yo ho! It's a spinster's life for me.

Now, as far as receiving six girls-a-lazing as a Christmas gift, again I'd wager you'd rather have the geese. At least then you could use the eggs. With lazy girls, I'm afraid they'll just eat your food and fill your Netflix queue with TLC shows. Then, of course, there's that whole thing about receiving a human being as a gift....not quite so ethical. So, you'll just have to settle for the gif and not a gift, once again.

Gird your loins for tomorrow. It's one of my favorite gifs I've made yet! It may not be funny, but it is fun to watch.

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