Spinster Shopping: Sock It To me!

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In the past week here in Atlanta, the weather has gotten quite a bit cooler. The conditions have, in fact, gotten so brisk that I actually had to wear socks yesterday. So, I thought this was the perfect opportunity to do a little spinster shopping. At one of my jobs in New York I got to design all sorts of fun socks for boys and girls, and my love of crazy hosiery hasn't subsided since. Today, I present you with ten fun pair that will spice up even the chilliest of toes.  The best part is every single item on this list is under $15. Behold! Below are the links to where you can get them!

1. Ribb Block Sock: $12, Happy Socks

2. ASOS Donuts Ankle Socks: $5.69, Asos

3. Clashist Ryan Gosling Socks: $14.50, The Sock Hop

4. Geo Print Crew Socks: $2.50, Forever21

5. Hansel from Basel & Madewell Trouser Socks (Toffee Colorway): $12.50 Madewell

6. Women's Patterned Boot Sock (2 Pack): $8, Old Navy

7. Aerie Knee Socks: $9.95, Aerie

8. Unisex Patterned Sock (In Dots/Space Colorway): $14, American Apparel

9. Women's Crew Socks: $3, Target

10. Frida Express Yourself Socks: $9.99, ModCloth

Now keep those toeless cozy with some fun socks!

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