Gift Guide: Fancy-Up Your Phone

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You guys. Black Friday is this week, and if you're anything like I am, once you're sufficiently turkey-logged, you won't want anything to do with shopping outside of your home. But of course that doesn't mean you have to forfeit buying excellent gifts. 

Of course all of my gift guides so far have included links to where you can purchase all the items, but today I want to talk about something a little different. If you've been reading this blog for long enough, you know I have a little bit of a Zazzle obsession. I love it for gifts especially because when there's someone for whom you're drawing a blank, you can always order something personalized for them. For your grandparents, there are mugs, coasters, and calendars customizable with family photos. For your parents and siblings, there are wall canvases, tees, mouse pads, and - what we're talking about today - iPhone 6 cases!

One of the most exciting things about getting a new phone is buying it a new outfit....or, if you want to pretend you're more sensible than that...a new protective case. Today I've perused the many designs on Zazzle (as well as adding one of my own) to create a collage and shopping guide of some of the coolest cases for your favorite distraction. And, don't worry! If you still have an iPhone 5, many of these designs can also be ordered in that case size as well.

Now, let's get to linking!

          This is a perfect purchase for the colder weather. It's festive and classic, but it could go preppy or punk.

          I love this case because it's got a cute vintage vibe while also speaking to one of the main utilities on my phone: the camera.

          Great for the creative girl or guy on your list! 

          I like that this has the visual texture of watercolor and glitter while being smooth so that it doesn't scratch up anything inside your purse.

        This case is cute and girly with a little bit of sparkle and shine. This will go with pretty much every outfit.

          This floral print has a bit of whimsy, and the color palette is so nice. As a bonus, you can customize it with your name or initials!

          Of all the items in this list, this is probably my favorite. I love the color play and the natural textures. 

          I'm not sure why this is called "the sound," but the image is really soothing. 

          And this one's a little bit of shameless self promotion. This iPhone case is available on the Zazzle Spinster Store, and it's one of my favorite images from The Spinsterhood Diaries.

          For the iPhone lover who also has a sweet tooth! This case makes me want ice cream...or a doughnut...or maybe both.

There are literally thousands of iPhone case options on Zazzle, and you can check them out here! If you don't find anything you like, or if you have something special in mind, you can always create your own by uploading an image you love. 

Happy Shopping!

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