Gift Guide: Tech Genius

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Today's gift guide's theme is technology. If you're lucky, someone on your gift list knows enough about computers and technology to be considered a "tech genius." If this person isn't on your list, you need to find a tech genius and put them on your list just in case you need help in the future. If you happen to know me in real life, I feel I should clarify and say that I am not that person.

Most tech geniuses have real preferences on what kind of real technology they own, so the items on this list are a little more whimsical in technological nature. However, I think they're all a lot of fun, so let's get started!

1. No, I will not fix your computer Mug: $7.99, ThinkGeek
          The perfect mug for your favorite off-duty IT professional. They don't want to fix your computer when they're not at work.

2. The IT Crowd: Season 1: $10.97, Amazon
          Even if you're not a tech genius, this show is great. It's quirky and British and...well, need I say more?

3. Robot Flash Drive: $9.99, Amazon
          I always think a fresh flash drive is a great gift idea. The 4gig one costs $9.99, but you can get much larger ones in this same model. This one's pretty cute, if I do say so myself.

4. Virtual Laser Keyboard: $99.99, Brookstone
          This is a projectable keyboard which is great if you've got chubby fingers and have a tough time sending texts.

5. Factory Spectacles Socks: $8.50, J.Crew Factory
          These are a lot of fun, even if you don't wear glasses.

6. 6 Foot iPhone Cable: $5, Amazon
          As discussed in the "Things I Own and Love," video, this is just really useful. The black colorway seems more appropriate for a tech genius somehow, but this cord comes in lots of colors!

7. GoPro Hero: $129.99, GoPro
          This is the base model of the GoPro, but you can get as fancy as you want. If you don't know about the GoPro, this camera is a great way for your active tech genius to capture their adventures!

8. FujiFilm Instax Instant Smartphone Printer: $199, Urban Outfitters
          This printer is the most expensive item on today's list, but you have to admit that it is pretty darn cool. With just the push of a button, you can transform your iPhone photos into little instant hard copies. Perhaps this gift should be accompanied by a brand new bulletin board for immediate posting.

9. ShaveTech USB Rechargeable Travel Razor: $23.95, Amazon
          The USB charging on this item is great for the tech genius who can't even leave their computer to plug in a razor or take a shower.

10. Mr. Coffee Mug Warmer: $9.99, Bed Bath and Beyond
          I saw a coworker had one of these a few years ago, and I just thought it was so cool. It's not necessarily high-tech, but it is pretty fun. It's great for the coffee or tea drinker who likes to take their time imbibing that caffein.

Happy Shopping!

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