Spinster Food: Harvest Snaps

Remember a few weeks ago when I told you about that big bag of Snapea Crisps I got at Costco? Well, I tweeted that post to @HarvestSnaps, and they were really responsive! Not only did they retweet my post, but they also asked if they could use the illustration on their social media. A few days later, I got a DM (direct message) on Twitter asking for my mailing address.

Before I go any further, I just feel like I should say this is not at all a sponsored post. I just happen to love the Harvest Snaps, and I am super pumped they sent me a parcel in the mail. Now, let's proceed.

I was out of town when the package arrived, and then I made myself wait to open it until I was able to make a proper YouTube video about the box's contents. My coworker, Aly, knew I had received these goodies, though, and was lying in wait until I could bring Harvest Snaps to share.

Now, I know you know how much I like to hoard my desk snacks. However, Aly is the one to introduced me to the ol' Snapea Crisps. So, to show my gratitude, I will obviously want to share the bounty.

If you watch the video above, you can see a detailed description and commentary about all the delicious treats the excellent people at Harvest Snaps sent me. If you can't stand the sight of my face or the sound of my voice, though, Here are some of the highlights:

- The Six Flavors in the package:
          Lightly Salted, Wasabi Ranch, Caesar, Black Pepper, Tomato Basil, and Onion Thyme. This is the complete product line, and I am so pumped I've now tried them all.

- Harvest Snaps doesn't just make Snapea Crisps. They also have Lentil Snaps, and those were actually some of my favorites.

- I am getting a little bit (or a lotta bit) of a double chin.

- Miranda likes Snapea Crisps.

- I think I've been mistaking Thyme for Rosemary for years.

- All of the flavors were delicious.

So, watch the video, and I hope it inspires you to try something new! Just remember...they're a good source of fiber.

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