Happy Friday! Links on Links

Happy Friday! I know, you're probably as pumped as I am. This weekend in Atlanta, it's the Dogwood Festival, too! I plan to make some pimiento cheese tonight in grand spinster style while working on my giant painting of Miranda's Face. If you've been following my Instagram, then you've seen the work in progress. 

Today's image is the result of my recent obsession with making prints. Well, perhaps it's not all that recent...I've been into this since I learned how to do it. So...maybe seven years? I can't believe it's been so long. Printsource started yesterday in New York, and I wish I were there - either as a seller or a buyer. I'm not choosey. Although, there is something appealing to me about having a booth somewhere (pretty much anywhere) and selling wares. Places I've recently considered are pretty much any flea market, the Atlanta Gift Mart, Printsource, and Premiere Vision's Indigo. It's becoming clear to me that I should try this out on at least the flea market level. I just need to find one that Miranda is allowed to attend. I need her to help me sell things.

Now, let's have some links to start up your Friday Morning.

- My sister sent me this link about a She's All That remake rumor. For a moment I got really excited, and then I realized it wasn't true. But they did embed the original trailer, so that was a lot of fun. I had forgotten they had a full-on choreographed dance sequence in that movie for no apparent reason.

- Perusing Design Is Mine, I found that someone shares my philosophy on pants and life in general.

- It's hard for me to decide if I need this tiny donut factory or if I just want it. Either way, I know I shouldn't get it. That seems really dangerous...for my waistline.

- Someone please make me these cookies and deliver them to my office this afternoon. If that's too soon, I will also accept them any time, anywhere.

- In an unprecedented move, I clicked on a side-panel ad link this week, and I discovered Gamma Folk. They have some pretty cool jewelry.

- One of my brother's and my random favorite things my mom makes is something called a taco ring. Last week, I found that Pillsbury has come up with a breakfast version. It looks yummy.

- Any time I see a male-friendly gift idea, I like to make sure I save it. The fine people at Hammacher Schlemmer - those purveyors of all things you didn't realize you needed - have created an excellent one. It's a marinade infusing meat tenderizer. I mean...yes.

Happy Friday!

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