Audible Spinstering: Stuff Mom Never Told You

A few months ago, I blogged about the Stuff You Should Know podcast. Well, today, I'm going to tell you about how much I love their sister podcast, Stuff Mom Never Told You. As you can see, this one is hosted by two women, and it is, in fact about women and women's issues and interests. 

First, I need to state the obvious: this is a feminist podcast. It seems strange to me that in 2015 any educated woman even has to identify herself as a feminist. I feel like this should just be the default, but apparently - as I've learned on Stuff Mom Never Told You - there are lots of females out there who don't identify with this. Yowza. We got problems. 

Anyway, if you want to delve deeper into that one, I suggest the Taylor Swift episode. I also suggest that one because I love her, and she's great. 

While I do think the hosts (or hostesses?) can be a bit knit-picky and plaintive about the issues they discuss, they also have a point most of the time. Mostly they're interesting and informative, though. Near the end of every show, they read comments from listeners. Most of the comments sound like they're coming from the high school student that wrote in to The Lonely Island's episode of Ask a Grown Man, but some of them are from adults. The comments section is what usually leads me to the next episode I listen to, and it lead me to one of the coolest episodes: the one about Fatshion.

So, if your ears are in need of a little feminist enlightenment today, listen to some Stuff Mom Never Told You. Might I suggest the "Chocoholism" episode?

Happy Monday! (Eat some chocolate).

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