Tavi's New Look

tavi-gevinson-graphic, tavi-gevinson-enough-said, tavi-style-rookie, rookie-mag,
For years, I have harbored a fond jealousy of Tavi Gevinson. At just twelve years old, she was a renowned fashion blogger, and now she edits her own magazine. With two yearbooks in print, Rookie Mag is clearly a success. And now, Tavi Gevinson can add yet another major thing to her CV: She's been in a feature film. That's right. If you haven't already seen Enough Said, here's yet another reason to see it. Tavi makes her film debut.

Tavi's acting doesn't seem like too much of a stretch from what I've seen of her lectures on youtube, but still. I'm impressed. What impressed me more, though, is that Miss Gevinson clearly went for a new look on the red carpet. Her hair was sleeker, and her makeup was flawless.

I can't wait to see what Tavi does next. Whatever it is, I'm sure it'll be awesome. And I'm sure I'll be super jealous. How can a girl who is a full ten years younger than I am have accomplished so much more than I have?

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