Saturday Spinstergramming: Atlanta Adventures

Creepy Old Man Doll in Tucker, GA
Well, yesterday turned out to be quite eventful. I split my day between two adventures, but instead of just writing about it, I've got pictures! 

First I went to Tucker GA to find the Tucker Flea Market, only to discover it's been closed for quite some time. Instead I visited a nearby antique/junk store, where I saw this creepy old man doll. The store's proprieter, however, did point me to Georgia's largest flea market, the Pendergrass Flea Market in Pendergrass, GA. 

Do you even have to ask? Of course I drove out to Pendergrass. I must say, though, that I was slightly disappointed, as there was less of a yard sale vibe there and more of a "I got a great deal on a bulk order of these...want some?" feeling. However, there were a few awesomely strange sights there, pictured here below.

In addition to lots of goods to purchase, they also had pets! I don't quite know how I feel about purchasing a pet from a flea market, but they were surely fun to look at and imagine squeezing out of a serious cuteness aggression need.  They even had piglets! They also had a sign that said they had monkeys, but I didn't see any. 

A bevy of old barbies at Pendergrass Flea Market

A table full of toy cars all lined up.
The giant KISS doll that was priced at $45
Camera Shy piglets

A puppy who really wanted to be taken home.

tiny goldfish for sale at the flea market

Later on yesterday, in fact last night, I went to something called Flux Night in Castleberry Hill in Atlanta. I saw a woman dancing in a monkey mask, a clown taking photos with people, a man dancing with fire, and a man in a dress dancing in the doorway of a restaurant with a shake weight. Oh, and there was art. One of the best things I saw was this face to felt thing...i snuck a photo...of course.

Amazing Felt 3-d relief from Flux Night

Happy Sunday!

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