Spinster Love: Gap's Legging Jeans

Because of the chunk sitch that hates me and keeps ripping my pants, I purchased a pair of jeans a few months ago. Well, the first time I wore them to the office, my coworker Aly loved them so much, she bought a pair. Fast forward to this weekend, and another coworker has purchased the same pair. They were on sale, too, so I had to go back and get a couple more pair.

What are these magical jeans that everyone has to have, you ask. Well, let me tell you. They're the Legging Jeans from The Gap. Now, before you freak out and think I'm talking about jeggings, that's not exactly what these are. They're quite a bit thicker than your average leggings and are, in fact, a twill weave. So, technically, they're not really leggings. They just have a high percentage of spandex. With this thicker fabric combined with a high amount of stretch, these jeans have a nice sculpting quality. 

I've owned these jeans in corduroys before and now I own a whopping three pair of them in different shades of denim. They were on crazy sale. what could I do? They're like attractive, acceptable sweatpants. Well, at least they're acceptable. I can't speak for attractive on everyone. I mean, say if Steve Urkel wore them they probably wouldn't look as good. Maybe Stefan Urquelle, though....

Anyway, if you spinsters are looking for some comfy jeans (many of which happen to be on sale right now), then you should check these out. I'm wearing a pair as I write this, and if I'm actually wearing pants inside my apartment, that's gotta tell you something. 

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