#19 Make Some Art

We're into the teens, ladies! And might I say, that I think today's illustration is a little funny because it is about making art, but somehow my face went a little awry in the illustration process. Please excuse that blunder. Now, onto the good stuff!

Today's assignment is this: Make some art! Now, I'm sure some of you are thinking, "I can't draw or paint or anything like that so...this is painful for me." Well, I certainly don't want you to do anything that's painful, I assure you. That's why, I'm not specifying what kind of art you should make. It can be a drawing, a painting, a potato cut print, a collage, or whatever else your heart desires! Remember collages? Tavi certainly does. You could even get some glitter Mod Podge! That was my favorite in high school.

I understand that a lot of you may approach artwork with a fair amount of trepidation, but my question to you is 'why.' It doesn't have to be perfect. You're just doing this for your own enjoyment. Take it from me. You have to make a lot of awful art before  you make anything remotely good. In fact, I like to think about what I heard Billy Collins say on NPR one time: "We're All Born with 200 Bad Poems in us." I feel this way about art, though I may have more than 200 bad pieces of art in me. But perhaps you've gotten all of yours out. In any case, don't be self conscious! Just make something.

Once you've made your work of art - be it bad or good - I then challenge you to frame it and hang it on the wall! I did this earlier this week, and it gave me immense enjoyment. The good news if you don't like what you've made, though, is that you can always take it out of the frame after a week or so and put something else in that frame. Voila!

So, get creative! It's friday, after all! I, for one, will be making an illustration sometime today so you can look at it here on the blog!

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