Happy Valentine's Day!

Well, spinsters, the day has come. Let's try very hard to stay upbeat about this. Sure, everyone will be getting engaged today, but we can avoid knowing that by avoiding our Facebook feeds. Just remember, today is a day to be glad that you don't have to pretend to like a giant teddy bear from a guy who didn't have the presence of mind to check your Pinterest or Amazon wish list instead. For the record, that's never happened to me, but I can imagine it'd be terrible.

Right now I'm watching the Today Show, and someone's getting engaged, so I guess the above paragraph may have been wishful thinking. I'll probably happen upon someone getting engaged today IRL.

Anyway, go get yourself some chocolate, a coffee, AND a heart-shaped donut. Don't forget that today is also the day to order a heart-shaped pizza. You should potentially also purchase some new pajamas today so that you can eat all your treats from the safety and comfort of your bed.

Happy Valentine's Day!

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