Spinstergram: Watercolor and Glitter

Since I haven't been working in an office, I've been having a little trouble keeping a schedule. This week is the first week where I have actually set out to do my spinsterly work on a semi-regular time table. However, four-mile morning walks with Miranda in which I plan my day have been taking longer than I might have expected. Still, I have managed to get a lot of work done.

Last night I finally started working on the greeting cards I'll have at my Art in the House table. Just a little something fun and inexpensive. They're all hand painted with watercolors and then glittered afterward. Above is an image of one of the ones I did last night. This morning, this is my first order of business so they can dry while I finish up on a pet portrait I have due this weekend. While that dries, I'll go back to glitter up the watercolor cards. 

Ok...enough planning. I must get to work! Stay tuned for more images of the little cards that will be available soon!

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