It's Friday! Makeup Coloring Page

eyeshadow-coloring-page, grownup-coloring-page

One of the most common search terms that has lately been referring people to The Spinsterhood Diaries is "makeup coloring page." I have done one before, and it was included in the last Spinsterhood Diaries Coloring Book. Today, though, I decided to do one that was more graphic and less hand drawn. Sometimes those can be easier to color.

Now let's talk about what I've included here. I've got a few makeup brushes on the page including a blush brush, a sort of powder brush, and a little eyeshadow brush. There are a few q-tips scattered about because you never know when you're going to need a little smudging action or perhaps even a little cleaning up around the edges. There's a tube of lipstick and one of mascara, and there's a bottle of nail polish in the center of it all. The two pencils are sort of supposed to be an eyeliner and a lip liner, but you can obviously color them however you'd like. There's a little sponge wedge and an egg-shaped blender tool, a pot of cream shadow or eyeliner (whichever you'd like), an eyeshadow palette with round little bits of eyeshadow, and a compact with a flower on the back that can hold pressed powder or just a mirror. You can't see the inside, so imagine whatever you'd like. The last item, I believe, is this little tube of mystery. It could be lotion or primer or foundation or...anything else! You decide! 

So, while this is by no means the entire contents of my makeup bag, it should be fun to color on this Friday morning. Or, perhaps you'd like to save it until the three o'clock slump. No one would blame you for that, either.

Enjoy your Friday and eat some chocolate. You deserve it after making it though this week. 

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