Atlanta Spinstering: I'm Yelp Elite 2015!

Guys! Guys guys guys. I have something really exciting to tell you. First, I need to say that I'm not sure why I drew myself as a middle aged woman from your pottery class, but you get the idea. I'm excited. Now, let's proceed.

Before I moved to Atlanta, I wasn't active on Yelp. That is, I didn't have an account. I just was creeping' on the reviews to see if the restaurant I was planning to visit was good or terrible. However, when I got here to the heart of the dirty south, my friend Sarah told me all about the Yelp App and how she had a couple friends who were Yelp Elite. They get to go to special Elite events,'s just cool, ok?

So, once I heard about Yelp Elite, I got kind of obsessed. I reviewed all sorts of things...foot massages, beauty supply stores, thrift stores, and of course restaurants. I took pictures of crutches for sale at the Value Village.

Anyway, I'm not officially addicted. And yesterday, I got a very exciting email. Guys. You're looking at an illustration of one of the newest members of the Yelp Atlanta Elite Squad. Hooray!!!

So, if you wanna read all my reviews of all the things, you can see them here. I think that link works.

I'm excited for all the adventures to come as a Yelp Elitist, even though I'm fairly sure "elitist," is not the word they'd like to use for themselves.

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