Sweater Weather Songs

So, this week at the new job, I've been working on outerwear. Not only that, but it's pleasantly freezing at my desk and, I hear, also in New York. So, in honor of autumn's approach, today's post is a Sweater Weather, or "Outerwear" playlist. I've included songs that are about about or mention coats, jackets, and sweaters.

To the left you'll find a flat sketch of a jacket I used for a project earlier this year. Stay tuned for a full fashion project this coming week!

And now for the playlist!

To listen blindly, click here.

"Outerwear" Playlist:

1. "The Way I Am" - Ingrid Michaelson
2. "Undone" (The Sweater Song) - Weezer
3. "Short Skirt Long Jacket" - Cake
4. "The Sweater" - Meryn Cadell
5. "Like I Love You" - Justin Timberlake
6. "Sweater Weather" The Neighbourhood
7. "Be True To Your School" - The Beach Boys
8. "Ring the Alarm" - Beyonce
9. "Outrageous" - Britney Spears
10. "Blue Jeans" - Lana Del Rey

Get out those headphones and have a listen!

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