Sample Fashion Project: Materials

When I did this project, I was interviewing for a job in women's tops, specifically knits and sweaters. As such, you'll see that I have a heavy emphasis on knits and yarns. However, to round out the presentation, I also included some "bottom weight" fabrics, in order to have something to discuss with regards to skirts, pants, and more substantial dresses.

You'll note that in the "yarns" image that the writing is a big hard to read, and the scan is sort of shadowy. When I was preparing this project, I knew I would be presenting it in an in-person interview. As such, I did not send a scanned copy ahead of time. However, in times when it is necessary to send a project ahead of time, I would recommend scanning the yarns separately, and adding them to a photoshop file later, so that your image is not quite so lumpy.

Next to each yarn swatch, I wrote a few things: Yarn name, yarn content, and yarn gauge. These are the important things to know about yarns. If you don't know content (although it's fairly easy to find out when you're buying it in the first place), just make something up that you think it is. Do note, however, that whoever is interviewing you may have extensive knowledge of yarns and yarn content, so it's best to actually know all this information instead of guessing.

The woven fabrics page, I will admit, could be neater. In the best of times, with the most prep time, a swatch page should be comprised of square swatches of the same size, all created with pinking shears. In my opinion, this page looks a little sloppy. However, I did end up getting the take that for what you will.

When preparing this page, you'll want to attach the fabrics in such a way that the bottom is free. This way, if your interviewer wants to touch and feel the fabrics in order to get a sense of your quality taste level, they'll be able to do so with ease. A good page will include some lighter "top weight" fabrics  that could be used for tops or light dresses and skirts as well as some heavier, sturdier "bottom weight" fabrics that could be used for pants and heavier skirts. It's also nice to include some variety in terms of texture, opacity, and sheen.

As in your yarn page, on your fabrics page, you'll want to include the name and content of these fabrics. By name, I do not mean "Ellen" or "Miranda," but rather "silk chiffon" or "wool felt." This demonstrates your knowledge of different fabrics, textures, and weaves, and when you're interviewing, the more information you can subtly convey without actually saying it aloud, the better.

Stay tuned tomorrow for more of this sample fashion project!

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