Back in the South (See you on Thursday!)

Yesterday was a day of travel. I started in New York, transferred in Charlotte, landed in Columbia, and finished in Sumter, SC. My mom and I took a detour to this crazy furniture place out on Plowden Mill Road in Sumter, SC (pictured here below), and there was furniture all the way to the ceiling. I was too overwhelmed to buy anything, though. How could I not be? But they did have incredible prices.

This post today, though, is to say that I will be driving to Atlanta today to move into my new apartment, but I won't have internet until Thursday, so the ol' Spinsterhood Diaries will have to take a little break until I'm wired back in. How will I survive? No PLL? No Hulu? No Netflix? NO SPINSTERHOOD DIARIES!? It's going to be tough, but I will have plenty of things to do, like visiting the Target that's, like, a block from my new apartment. Yes, that is your cue to be jealous.

While I am, indeed, out of New York for at least the next two years, I'm sure I'll be back there soon, at least to visit. This is just the start of a brand new adventure. And this adventure involves a pool, a car, and a Super Target. What more, really, could a girl ask for?

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