Creepy Friday

kitten-stewart, rod-stewart-kitten, rod-stewart-gif
After three consecutive days of text-heavy posts, I've decided to give you a break and just thoroughly creep you out. As you may remember, I have, in the past few months, learned how to make gifs. As it's been a bit of a slow week at the office, I've spent some of my time in what is clearly a productive manner, making the magnificent creations you see in today's post.

First, let me introduce you to Kitten Stewart. As you may remember, I think Rod Stewart's song, "Sometimes when we touch," is one of the strangest and best earworms of all time. So, clearly, it was barely a leap at all for me to combine Rod Stewart with a Kitten to make the delightful frankenkitten you see here. After all, Stewart has always been known for his unruly mane of hair. My only regret here is that his mouth moves one syllable less than it should, and I didn't think to remove the watermark. But alas, it's still creepy enough to give you the heebie-jeebies. Just imagine if I'd somehow incorporated that gross photo of him in a spedo. That would have been too much.

puppy-gif, paul-mccartney-gif, paul-mccartney-puppy, creepy-gifNext, I'd like to introduce you to Puppy McCartney. I think we an all agree that Paul McCartney, in reality, looks like a bird, but I sort of think of him as having more of a puppy's personality. After all, he and Linda only spend something like two nights apart in their entire marriage. Though the real Paul McCartney is now older than 64, Puppy
McCartney is still just a little roly poly puppy. He's just a little chubby wubby, all he wants to know is if you'll still feed him when he's 64 (in dog years.) That's just a little over 9 years in human years. You can manage that, right?

With this gif, I remembered to do the syllables right. My friend Kelly said that this was so creepy it was going to haunt her dreams for the rest of the week. I consider that a job well done. It's still kind of cute, though, right?

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