Big News for the Spinster

This weekend I had to take a last minute trip down to Atlanta Georgia to look at apartments. Yes, that does mean what you think it does. I'm moving to Atlanta! I've accepted a design position with a company down there, and I decided it was time for some real air conditioning and a car.

While the past six years in New York have been amazing and a huge learning experience (I've never been an adult anywhere else), I am super excited for a new adventure!  But don't worry, I'll document my spinsterly adventures right here on The Spinsterhood Diaries.

The moving will start next week, and yes, I am having multiple panic attacks. After waiting and waiting for an answer, it all happened so fast. But, I got an apartment this weekend, and it's about twice the size of my apartment here in New York for less money, so we're off to a good start!

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