Blogger Love: TGI diy

So, I was kicking around Pinterest, and I happened upon a new blog, and I thought I'd share. It's pretty cute, and I think there are some fun things there. The blog is called TGI diy, and I think it's pretty cool.

It doesn't look like this girl has been blogging for too long, but what she has on her site is looking pretty good. One of my favorite things to find on the internet is Splurge vs. Steal articles, and this blog has a bunch. Additionally, as the title suggests, there are diy ideas as well as recipes. Bonus for you ladies who love being from the south: this blogger is from North Carolina!

In conclusion, I think you should stop by TGI diy today. No, I don't know her, and she didn't ask me to promote her blog. I just like it. So go there now!

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