Friday Fun: Watercolor Cats

Well, it's Friday again, and I made a little something for all you cat ladies out there. It starts out a little blurry, but then it gets better.

If you've been enjoying these watercolor gifs and videos lately, you may be in luck! I'm doing another art festival in a couple weeks. It's here in Atlanta, and it's the Old Fourth Ward Arts Festival. I'll be showing my acrylic animal paintings, mostly, but I'm hoping to have a bin for prints and maybe a few watercolors.

Not able to make it? Well, you may be in luck! I've been adding a bunch of new things to the Zazzle Spinster Store, so you can now get some select prints there. I'm embedding a link to the art and posters page below.

Art and Posters
Art and Posters
by Sarah
Zazzle has recently added the option to order prints and posters already matted and framed. So, if you're gifting some artwork, they've made it even easier of you! 

Want an original but can't make it to the show? Well, I've listed a few of the paintings on my Etsy Store. Happy Friday and Happy Shopping!

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