Chastain Park Arts Festival: Day 2

Yesterday was my first day at the Chastain Park Arts Festival. The setup was pretty intense because it was the first time I'd used my curtains and mesh walls. I think if I'm going to do many more of these things, I may need better implements. They don't look super great, but they'll work for now. Tonight I'll take everything down and take it all home. I'm not sure how that will work out yet.

Now, if you're living in Atlanta and are thinking about coming around to check out some things, I'll have a special treat for the first person to come by and ask about it. I'll have the below palette painting available for free to the first person to say "free art friday" to me at my booth. See below.

I'll also be posting this on Instagram, so you may have some competition! Good luck, and I hope to see you there!

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