Spinsters I Know and Love: Kate McElveen

It's been quite a while since we had a "Spinsters I Know and Love" post, but after seeing Kate McElveen this weekend, I knew I needed to do another.  When Kate returned her answers answers to the Spinster questionnaire, I found I was quite right in this idea. 

I don't remember meeting Kate McElveen, but my parents bought the house I grew up in from Kate's parents. Kate and I went to elementary school together, and then we ended up at the same high school as well. Eventually, Kate went on to the South Carolina Governor's School for the Arts and Humanities and later to a different college than I did, and I really don't know that I've seen her much since then. However, when she said ranch dressing was the fat girl's ketchup, I remembered how much I liked her.

In addition to being so fashionable that she recently styled a shoot for Garden and Gun, Kate is witty in that way that makes you want to sit on the back row of any seating arrangement and whisper-giggle. What is she whispering, you ask? Well, for one thing, she recommends Under Armor compression shorts from the boys' department if Spanx aren't quite your style. For another, she shares a love of activewear from the men's department like I do. Only, she prefers gym shorts while I like to go with the elastic-ankle sweatpants. Still, you can see how I could like a girl like this.

So, without further ado, I give you Kate's answers to the Spinsters I Know and Love Questionnaire:

Name: Kathryn Watson McElveen (better known as Kate Mac)

Age: 28 

Profession: wardrobe stylist 

Dream Job: rapper 

What you 
love to do when you have an afternoon/day/weekend at home alone:  a Laguna beach/ the hills marathon, redboxes, sporadic cat naps, Taco Bell, coke icees, and zaxbys...whoops

Favorite Breakfast food: GRITS, duh!

Favorite Takeout: Just one? Ummmm The Diamond Restaurant in Charlotte (think fried chicken, mashed potatoes, Mac n cheese, and errything starchy.

Favorite treat (food or otherwise): milkshakes...and anything potato related 

Favorite Beauty product or what's in your beauty bag: Vaseline. Mascara. Blush. Eyelash curler...always have an eyelash curler.   

Favorite nail polish or nail polish color: 50 shades of grey by Essie. 

Favorite Art or Office supplies:
Le Pen Pens

The thing you 
love to do that you probably wouldn't do if there was a boy in the picture/around your apartment: wear the sweatpants and shorts of boyfriends past...😳

Something enjoyable about being single: Doing (eating) what I want, when I want, where I want. And taking full advantage of the "McElveen minute".

If you had a one-sentence spinster philosophy, what would it be? "I'm just doing me and you can never understand it..."

What's your loungewear style? Either lulu lemon yoga pants and a sweet rapper tee or the occasional nighty. 

What's your uniform (include a sketch if you want)? Elastic or lace...let your imagination sketch that out! 

Complete this sentence: "People think_____, but really_____.": People think that I pay attention to everything going on around me, but really I'm really thinking about the newest flick out on netflix and what I'm having for dinner. 

Coffee or tea? (and what's your favorite of the one you like) coffee. Sugar free skinny vanilla latte (no pun intended)

Your go-to desk snack: frozen ROLOS. Or if it's February/March GUL SCOUT COOKIES

I have seen every episode of...:  90210, LAGUNA BEACH, GOSSIP GIRL

Your favorite spinster jams:  "CRAZY" BY BRITTANY SPEARS, "what a girl wants", "do you really want me" by Robyn, "candy" Mandy Moore and "more than a memory" by Garth brooks- oh and anything from Rent or Wicked, duh. 

Currently in your Netflix and/or Hulu queue: Keeping Up With The Kardashians; about Bruce. 

The question on everyone's mind: Kittens or Puppies, and why? Puppies...because cats are sneaky and remind me of myself too much. 

Complete this sentence: "I probably shouldn't admit this, but...": I probably shouldn't admit this but I'm obsessed  with Dave and Busters and if you're thinking of taking me out...that's the way to my heart."

In Another Life I would be Kristin Cavallari or SARAH JONES 


So there you have it! A little peek into the interior world of none other than Kate McElveen. She also writes a blog that's currently under a little reconstruction, so when it gets back up, I'll link you!

Happy Wednesday!

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