An Old Sketch and some Saturday Thoughts

Today's sketch is a pretty old one. I think I must've made this one sometime in 2010. It's one of those keyring wallets. As you can see, though, I hadn't quite gotten the hang of photoshop and so left that weird grey shadow opaque instead of letting if be in "multiply" mode or just getting rid of it. Eh, you live you learn, right? 

This morning I just have a few points for thought, and one of them will explain the tardiness of this post and the use of an old sketch. If you want to skip to that one, just go to the very bottom. 

          This week I went to a restaurant called Ten Degrees South here in Atlanta. It's South African cuisine, and it was quite nice. From the outside the restaurant doesn't look like it's going to be anything fabulous, but once inside, it's really very nice. The front room has lots of windows and some dinner tables. The second room is much darker with a few more tables. All the way at the back is a full  bar (pictured on the landing page of the website), and on the way to the bar, there is a nice room with upholstered furniture I assume is in the style of South African decor. I think I'll go there again. 

          If you watch the new at all, you've heard of Kickstarter. It's a popular crowdfunding site, and they have lots of projects you can support. Like the NPR pledge drive, each level of support comes with a reward, all levels listed on the side of each kickstarter page. I've only gone onto Kickstarter before to support projects my friends are trying to fund. However, yesterday, I perused a little. Here are some of the projects that caught my eye most. 

          Beware: there are some wet tee shirts in this one. Im not even sure what's going on here, but it's fully funded. And now you know where you can get a wooden eyepatch.

          The name of this project really creeps me out, but if you're a spinster in need of some new undies, well, you can get a three pack just for supporting at the $15 level. That's a pretty good deal, right?

          If you'd like a baby to wash your body instead of washing a baby's body. Put these in your guest room when you have guests you'd like to leave. Re: fund this project. People funded Zack Danger Brown's potato salad, for crying out loud. But his page was excellent. 

- Constrvct
          This is also a successful Kickstarter, and I think it's pretty awesome. 

          This i snot a Kickstarter thing. It's a totally different website. My coworker Crystal just started one. Watch the video. I made it!

- What happened last night:
          Last night, a woman who goes to my church, Zee, lost her apartment to a fire. My friend Karen called me and my friend Amanda, and we brought coffee, which was all we could really do. Zee is OK, but she's lost pretty much everything. She's a US citizen, but she's not originally from here. Please stay tuned. When I find out how to help (she's already had coffee), I'll post an update. For a new report about the fire, click here

Have a happy Saturday. I'll keep you posted!

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