Sunday Sunday: A-MAZE-ing

It's raining here in Atlanta, and I'm a bit under the weather. Little Miranda here, though, says you need something fun you can print out just for fun today. So, I made you a maze. My scanner is still stinky, so you can't get the full effect of the watercolor on this. Sigh.

This Maze should be a good bit easier than the past few I've posted. That's mostly because I drew it with a fat sharpie instead of photoshop. So, you should print it out and solve it. That's the way to start your Sunday right.

Also, on a more serious, informational note: I ordered Domino's last night, and they now have what they call "Brooklyn Style" pizza crust. It's not at all close to Brooklyn or New York pizza, but I think you should give it a try. I suggest this especially if you espouse the philosophy I do regarding Pizza, that the best pizza is the pizza that's available.

Enjoy your Sunday, and maybe even order some Pizza.

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