Friday Fun: Possum King

One of my very favorite people in this world is my friend Leah. In fact, I think most people who meet her find her quite charming. Not only is she plenty fascinating in her own right, but she's also introduced me to quite a few other interesting people in the time I've known her. But that has nothing to do with the Possum King.

Leah, despite the fact that I think she may be one of the most eligible bachelorettes I know, is also a member of the League of Spinsters. Additionally, she has taken up needlework and has inspired me to do the same. Currently I'm working on much too large of a needlepoint project, while Leah devours one embroidery pattern after another. We are quite the productive pair.

So, now we get to the Possum King. While Leah and I were discussing embroidery patterns the other day, I was stricken with the all-too-common "I could totally make that." As such, I asked if she'd like me to make her a special embroidery pattern. And here you have it! The Possum King! What Leah wants, Leah shall get.

In case you also want to embroider the Possum King (I must admit, this is my first embroidery pattern I've made that wasn't meant to be used by a machine, so we'll see if it actually works), all you need to do is open the image in a new tab, and print it out! After that, you have to trace it on to whatever fabric you like, but it's supposed to be for an 8" hoop.

But wait! There's More!

Leah couldn't have her Possum King living alone. I agreed that he needed a queen. So, here you have it! Get yourselves to the nearest craft store and get ready! This is going to be one crazy Friday Night!

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