Celebrity Pugs

Today, dear Spinsters, I bring you a post of silly proportions. We all know I love kittens, but it is a lesser known fact that I also love a good old fashioned pug. They're so funny, and in the words of my friend Alex, they always seem to be in existential crisis. Below you'll find some celebrit-pug mashups I hope you enjoy.

1. Puggy Styles
What's cuter than a boy band? A puppy band! Imagine if all the guys in One Direction were puppies instead of boys. It would be more than any of us could bear. 

2. Puggy Cyrus
Half naked Miley is so 2013. Puggy Cyrus never wears clothes!

3. Kim Karpuggian and Pugye West
What a cute puppy couple. They're even all fashioned-up.

4. Pugnan Obrien
I bet they would have let him keep the Tonight Show if he looked like this.

5. Pugtin Bieber
He's turning into quite a bad little pug, but I still think he's cute.

6. Tilda Pugton
The ol' Swinton looks pretty good as a Puglet. 

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