Some DIY Projects

So, it's Sunday, and perhaps you're thinking of making a little DIY project this afternoon. Well, I spent a little too much time looking at DIY ideas on Pinterest this morning, so I think I can help you out if that's what you're thinking.

Below is a list of all sorts of ideas, most of which fall into the category of "easy" skill level. So, let's get to linking!

1. Pom Pom Napkin Rings from Art Bar Blog
          These are super cute, and you can make them out of any sort of color you'd like. I think you could also make a super cute hair tie the same way.

2. Matches Vanity Tray from Design Love Fest
          I think the idea of matches as a decorative item is really cute. Design Love Fest's particular DIY idea makes it so your project isn't overly flammable. But you could do this with any sort of item. Really fun.

3. Pantyhose Tattoo from Useful DIY
          I don't really like the design they chose to do on this with a much cuter motif, especially if you were looking to coordinate with a specific outfit.

4. Confetti Bowl from DIY and Craft Magazine
          This idea has been around forever, but this is the first time I've seen it done with confetti. I never thought of mixing together a bunch of different things or colors to make this. Think how fun this would be as a table decoration or treat bowl at a fun and festive party.

5. Striped Tray from The Glitter Guide
          Only recently have I really started to want to use trays all the time. They're just so convenient. Of course you can use them for food, but they're also really useful if you want to carry your laptop, wacom, a pencil, and a notebook all at once. Or, say, a jar with water and brushes along with your blotting towel, a glass of water, and a couple dry brushes to boot. (These are all lists of things I find myself carrying quite awkwardly). I think jazzing up a tray to match your home or just your personal style is a fun way to make sure these don't look out of place lying around.

6. Flip Book from Inner Child Fun
          I think a custom flip book is a really fun gift for the upcoming Mother's Day holiday. It's also a fun way to say something fun or important as we discussed in my post about flip books (especially from The Flippist)

7. Wire Baskets from Organize N Store
          I love this idea, and I think I might actually try it myself.

8. Mirrored Cake Stands from Tikkido
          Of course tutorials for cake stands are all over the internet. However, I find these really fun because they involve magnets. Plus the mirrors are cool.

9. Tinted Lip Balm Locket from Beautylish
          This is both fashionable and handy. I like it.

10. Paper Clip Earrings from Ohoh Blog
          I'm not sure how safe these would be to wear, but the idea is pretty cool. I guess you'd just want to clean them really well with alcohol before wearing.

If you're jonesing for a slideshow with more ideas, I thought this one from Domino had some pretty cool ideas.

Happy Sunday, and happy crafting!

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