The Spinster's Lair

Today I'm taking a little break from the illustrations because it was one extra long week. I'm unsure if my brain is actually functioning right now. However, I still have an image with you!

To the left you'll see a photo I took this week of my bed around 10:45 pm Wednesday night after I drew and scanned Mary Cothonneau Eldridge. All I wanted to do was go to sleep, but because I was eating dinner, watching Suburgatory, surfing the internet, and drawing in my bed, I couldn't get under the covers.

So, I thought I'd share what it looks like when I'm doing a little work. Starting with the Top Left hand corner, you can see the following:

1. Blue and White towel from Anthropologie.

2. Turquoise plate that had my jalapeno pimiento cheese toast on it. Spinster dinner.

3. Graphics 360 paper

4. Godiva Chocolate my friend Eric gave me on my mental health day last week.

5. Triple Decker old school pack of Prismacolor Colored Pencils I've had since high school.

6. Artbin full of Chartpak markers, my most used colored pencils, and a ziploc bag full of pencil shavings.

7. Macbook circa 2008

8. All on top of my duvet cover from West Elm.

So. That's what's in my bed other than 100 pillows and a spinster. Happy Saturday!

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