#8: Have something made.

There is little in this world that excites me more than having something made to my specifications. I suspect that's why fashion design initially attracted me. I find the thought of mass production positively titillating. But, what we're talking about today can be on a much smaller scale.

Every now and then I like to have a little something made without the input of anyone but myself. For such occasions, I like to use online printing sites like vistaprint.com, zazzle.com, printerstudio.com, and printedart.com. This Christmas, I had calendars, posters, and even a deck of custom playing cards made as gifts, all with special artwork created just for the recipients. Mostly, the images consisted of some pretty deft face-swopping with baby animals, but it could have been anything!

But, if custom printing doesn't ring your bell, here's another thought: have some clothes made just for you. In my hometown, there's a very reasonably-priced tailor/seamstress named Lynda who will make and fit clothing specifically to your body. She carries fabric, but you can also bring your own. My mom travelled to a girl in Columbia, SC to have a skirt made of fabric she bought in New York, and not only is it a one-of-a-kind, but it's also tailor-made to fit her body.

What you have made for you is your choice, but the process of having it made is the exciting part. There's the concept, the collaboration (if that's involved), the anticipation, and the day you get the special treat you had made just for yourself.

So, do a little research, figure out what you want to have made, and go to it, girl! It's an exciting process!

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