#5: Think about Kittens

Sometimes being a spinster isn't all breakfast in bed and cookies. Sometimes it can be downright hard and incredibly stressful. In those times, I like to take a little break, and look at a few photos of kittens. The very fact that kittens exist gives me hope for the future and goodness in this world.

On the weekends sometimes I like to take a little trip to Union Square and into the back of the Petco where they keep cats and kittens for adoption. They're just such little cutenesses. The very thought of kittens just sends me into a bit of a frenzy. I can't even. I think I feel my pulse quickening now.

But I need to admit to you, thought, that there is a parasite some people acquire that makes them love cats. A lot. I'm pretty sure I have it, but I don't think that diminishes the positive effects the very thought and sight of kittens can have on anyone who's having a little bit of a rough day, especially if you're a spinster.

What? You're not into cats and kittens? Well, I think you're crazy, but baby pugs are pretty cute as are baby pandas, so I guess those are also acceptable substitutes. The point here is that since Valentine's Day is approaching, you won't really have to take any time to smell roses, they'll be all around you pretty soon. Instead, take some time to look at a baby kitten and realize that everything will be OK as long as something that cute exists.

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