Friday Thoughts: I love Cheerios

It's Friday, and last night I had a dream that I quit my job but they didn't let me leave, so I was just working there, waiting around for them to let me leave. It was very awkward, and it wasn't the first time I've had that dream. In this particular rendition, the boss at the job before that one had asked me to put together a list of places we could buy angel wings. I put together the list, and when I presented it to a larger meeting, she laughingly told everyone I thought it was a good idea to add angel wings to our collection. Oddly, that's not totally unlike what that particular job was like.

When I woke up, I was so glad it was a dream and that I got to eat cheerios once I had walked Miranda. So, in honor of cereal and the real world, I made this gif. I hope that you, too, get to enjoy a breakfast you love this morning.

Happy Friday!

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