Sample Fashion Project: Backpack Tech Pack

So, every time I check my referring search keywords, there's always something in there about a sample fashion project or sample fashion portfolio. So, today, I thought I'd go ahead and answer that search term again. Today, I want to talk about accessories tech packs.

Now, the tech pack I want to show today doesn't have much fabric information or, in fact, interior sketches, but sometimes that's actually given in a separate document or in the company's data entry system. Today's tech pack is mostly for specs.

In the image above you'll see the front and back sketch of the backpack. Essentially, this image functions as a diagram to show the shape and size of the bag along with its technical specifications and measurements. It is important to ensure all wording is as clear and simple as possible as these documents are often read by people whose first language is not english. The more detail that can be added, the better. Click on the image for a larger view.

This second image shows the 3/4 view of the bag, opened and closed. This is to show the pocket placement as well as how the bag is closed with snaps. Additionally, there are detailed drawings of the pocket as well as the bottom of the bag. 

In a more expensive bag, there would also be a detail sketch. However, generally the bags that I've worked on have not been able to afford interior details, so the information about the inside of each bag has been a matter of fabrication only. 

So, there you have it! If you're looking for something to make your fashion portfolio have just a little something extra, add a detailed tech pack with sketches of one of the items you designed. It will show you have full technician knowledge of garment (or accessory) construction. Hooray for tech packs!

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