A Spinsterly Party Dress

party-dress-illustration, party-dress
The other day I saw that Becky C of Diamonds in the Library had pinned a fabulous party dress on pinterest. I think it's pretty much my dream party dress. So, last night while I was watching Season 3 of Dance Academy, I decided to make a little watercolor illustration. Of course I'm still practicing with the watercolors, but it's fun to try something new.

On another note, speaking of fabulous dresses, let's take a moment to discuss how absolutely breathtaking Lupita Nyong'o's Oscars dress was. She looked like a magical fairy princess, and the way she held her skirt up when she went up the steps was so breathtaking. Having a dress like that is something of a little girl's dreams. Now I guess I just need to actually see 12 Years A Slave.

Just one more link to that beautiful dress before I go. Happy Tuesday!

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