A Few Things You Should Know

So, this weekend, I finished my fourth quilt. It's a baby quilt, and it's a little irregular, but I enjoyed the experience, and I suppose that's all that matters. Well, that and the fact that it does its purpose as a blanket. It is warm.

Now, as for the title of today's post. There are a few things I've been meaning to tell you. Before we get started, this is not a sponsored post.

1. Protein Blends:
          If you're a spinster, and you're too lazy to cook, sometimes you end up eating things from your freezer. However, a lot of the options aren't as healthy as you might hope. If you need some extra protein and fiber, might I suggest Bird's Eye Steamfresh Protein Blends? If you eat the entire bag (which is generally a mix of beans, vegetables, and a starch), it's 500 calories, BUT it does have nearly your entire day's allotment of fiber so...I think it's a good option. My favorites are the New England Blend, the California Blend, and the Italian Blend. Make sure you drink plenty of water, though...

2. Target Quinoa Blends:
          These aren't nearly as healthy for you as the Protein Blends, but they're really very good. I think the Mediterranean-Inspired blend and the Moroccan-Inspired blend are the best ones. Bonus: They're actually really nice-looking in the bowl  once they're cooked.

3. Walgreens Girl Scout Cookies:
          I really hesitate to post this information for a number of reasons. Firstly, I love the Girl Scouts. I was a Brownie, and I loved it. Secondly, I'm afraid Walgreens will stop making these cookies if they're caught. However, in the absence of a Girl Scout Cookie stand, these really will do in a pinch. Walgreens' store brand cookies, Nice!, has created very acceptable knock-offs of Samoas, Tagalongs, and Thin Mints. I don't know how they're getting away with it, but they are. I've tried the Samoas and the Tagalongs, and they're both very good. Perhaps not quite as good as the original, but they will certainly do in a pinch.

4. Happy Style Socks:
          So, when I designed socks, one of my favorite lines to research for "inspiration" (wink wink) was Happy Socks. Well, yesterday I made a trip to Walmart, and I discovered that Happy Socks has a very affordably-priced line there called Happy Style. Photos aren't available on the Walmart website, sadly, but there's gotta be something else at Walmart you need anyway, right? That's what I thought.

5. The Great British Baking Show:
          You probably already know about this show, but if you don't, you need to go to your Netflix Account right now and check it out. This show is great. It makes me hungry, but it also makes me feel oddly creative.

All right. That's enough for your Monday morning. Grab some coffee, and make it through. Happy Monday!

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